Wednesday, October 14, 2020

And this is nonsense.

A conservative watchdog group (click here) filed an FEC complaint on Tuesday asking for an investigation into Democratic candidate Cal Cunningham's March trip to California that used campaign funds after revelations of his extramarital affair.

The affair didn't begin until months later. This has no bearing on anything and just more desperate defamation of a really decent man who loves this country.

And, of course, the first media organization to carry this trash is FOX News.

Americans should be demanding legislation that requires all elected officials to submit ALL their phone logs to the public at least every six months. It is the right of the public to know how their elected officials are spending their time and their salary.

Cal Cunningham may want to offer to pay for his trip to California IF IT WAS NOT COMPLETELY FOR THE SAKE OF HIS ELECTION. It will remove all doubt to the voters that he is interested in THEIR COMFORT with their choice. 

Good luck.