Friday, September 25, 2020

On an incredibly historic day in the laying to rest Ruth Badar Ginsburg, it is appropriate to remember her nomination to the Supreme Court.

She was a woman of the people. She was regularly embraced by the people in her social engagements.

August 5, 1993 (click here) the current Democratic nomination for President of the United States of America, Joseph Biden from the Committee on the Judiciary, presented the Late Justice Ginsburg to the American people after thirteen years on the [DC Circuit] Court of Appeals. Thirteen years of federal experience in a high profile judicial position easily qualified the Late Justice Ginsburg for her most important role in the history of the USA Constitution.

It is important to remember on this date, September 25, 2020, Ruth Badar Ginsburg was extremely qualified for her Associate Justice status. She had already proven her intelligence and wisdom when she was nominated by William Jefferson Clinton to the Supreme Court. She was passed into that position with a vote of 96 "yea" votes (click here). There simply was no question to her nomination.