Friday, August 28, 2020

I'd like to know who insisted on defunding public schools with the CARES ACT.

After a bill is passed into law, the law is then written into rules. In this case THE RULE that was written from the CARES ACT misinterpreted the new law and was handing out bonuses to private schools while the public schools were defunded.

The RULE is egregious. The law was intentionally interpreted wrong. It is amazing what the Trump administration will seek to get away with if given a chance. This is another reason why having a criminal for president only victimizes the people more and more. It isn't enough, as with Moscow Mitch, to obstruct law, it is now a matter of ethical and moral behavior within the ranks of the cabinet and those that interpret law.

Criminal leadership begets criminal following. It is no different than the multitudes of violations of the Hatch Act (click here) by the RNC within their convention. They were all criminal acts, but, I don't see subpoenas, arrests and perp walks as the crimes were being committed or afterward.

It is no different than the police and their deadly conduct in the deaths of African American men, the apprehension of those committing the crime is not speedy enough nor are the arrests and perp walks all over social media. It is as if anyone can break the law and get away with it.

Justice is supposed to be swift enough to make an impression on society and it no longer happens that way. At least 50 percent of the people at the White House for the abuse of power within the Hatch Act should have been arrested as they left. Detained in cells until charges could be written and people presented to a judge for disposition. What occurred in violation of the Hatch Act was at the very least civil disobedience in a display to promote the power Trump has that he can get away with. The only people that should have been left behind as the police vans roared up the streets to it's precinct is the president and vice president. The First Lady, Ivanka and Jared should have been included in those arrested and detained. But, let citizens protest in civil disobedience in outrage of another racial killing and the vans show up with officers in riot gear, National Guard and vigilants that are tolerated at the scene. 

Justice is not equal in the USA and here is another clear violation of rule making that is grossly illegal depriving public schools of much needed funding.

Augsut 27, 2020

A California federal judge (click here) put a temporary stop to a U.S. Department of Education rule that would require public school districts to share coronavirus relief funds with private school students, citing how it would harm at least two Michigan school districts.

The rule misinterpreted language in the CARES Act to give nonpublic schools a greater share of the funding, resulting in at at least $16 million of the federal to be diverted from Michigan public schools to the state's 700 non-public schools, according to a group of state attorney generals that included Michigan's Dana Nessel.

Nessel, one of the Democratic attorneys general on the case filed in California, had argued the CARES Act formula required schools districts to share coronavirus funding with low-income students attending private schools in the district, not any and all private school students....

...“Losing (nearly $16.5 million) of federal funding to private schools would be the equivalent of laying off 466 teachers from public schools in Flint, Michigan,” he wrote.

Nessel and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer praised the decision and promised to continue the lawsuit until the matter is fully resolved....