Friday, July 24, 2020

There are private schools in the country opening today with teachers having positive tests. The governors have to issue closure of all schools otherwise there is too much financial pressure to open with a president that doesn't care about the infection rates of students.

It appears schools are not required to alert parents that school teacher(s) are testing positive.

We are talking about children. This should not be occurring without a national understanding that the virus has a very minor number of Americans positive. The fall semester should be canceled across the USA and school ONLY virtual.

Trump is proving to be lying about COVID and other issues as he chooses.

There will be nightmares out of this for no other reason than “The Donald Trump  Crisis.” Trump is disregarding Supreme Court decisions. Why are government employees willing to carry out unlawful directives by Trump? It will negate the US Census in 2020. He is also sending in people to REASK households the Census questions as a validation of truthful reporting by USA citizens. Private companies are carrying this out.

July 22, 2020
By Leah Litman

On Tuesday, (click here) President Trump signed yet another executive order designed to solidify the political power of his white Republican base at the expense of members of minority groups: It would exclude undocumented immigrants from the census count used to apportion congressional seats.

The order appears to emphatically confirm what the Supreme Court concluded last summer in a blockbuster decision that forbade the administration from adding a citizenship question to the U.S. Census — namely, that the administration had “contrived” a rationale for that action. It did not want to collect citizenship information to enforce the Voting Rights Act, as it had maintained. (Throughout the litigation, the groups challenging the citizenship question argued that the administration really wanted citizenship information to allow states to draw districts based on the number of citizens rather than total population. The court did not embrace that interpretation, but did reject the administration’s descriptions of its motive.)

Trump is now pursuing another way to wield the census against noncitizens — confirming that the court was correct in finding the administration to be disingenuous in the earlier case. The administration will now try to figure out which people identified by the census are undocumented immigrants using information shared with the Commerce Department by other agencies. That Trump’s dishonesty on census-related questions is now crystal clear could doom this executive order as well — fairly quickly....