Saturday, July 25, 2020

India has political parties that are communists.

Some say India is in a political crisis. Maybe. For some. But, I think the people in office right now are solid leaders and love democracy while seeking stronger ties with the EU.

There is a common thread across The West that income inequality is an issue. It is an issue and people in the USA are not paid a fair wage. But, I find it really strange that economies recovered from 2008 global banking crash are all having the same complaints as if their elections are being hacked by the same communists.

I love the cartoon. It says so much.

July 25, 2020
By Sadanand Dhume

If an alien landed on Earth (click here) and demanded to see an Indian legislator in his natural habitat, where would you send him? My pick: an upscale resort hotel. Among freshly mown lawns, long buffet tables, and flat screen TVs showing Bollywood reruns, the odds of sighting a state legislator would appear fairly high. (MPs tend to be more elusive.)...

So much is clear about the aggression by China into India now. How convenient for a political crisis to follow that illegal act by China.

India and China have seemed to come to an UNDERSTANDING if not peaceful coexistence. However, India is not slacking off it's military build-up. India is correct to continue that.

India has a right to its sovereignty and the military to defend it. I have never known modern-day India to be an aggressor nation. It isn't in their DNA.

See, The West is chronically under attack and when the USA has a soft and ineffective president allied countries begin to think about THE REAL WORLD where their borders exist. That is what China was picking up on. Trump was not attending to the national security of any country be it the homeland and/or an allied country. China was becoming dangerously close in misinterpreting the relationship the USA has with India.

And of course, Trump's best buddy has become very worried about the Himalayas. I don't recall a single Russian that scaled the Himalayas risking oxygen deprivation. I think the history makers have come from The West.

June 17, 2020
By Tom O'Connor

Russia has said (click here) it is closely watching reports of deadly clashes between its strategic partners China and India over contested land in the Himalayas.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters Wednesday that Moscow is "watching with great attention what is happening on the Chinese-Indian border" after what he described as "a very alarming report" about the conflict at the disputed territory between India-administered Ladakh and China-controlled Aksai Chin in Kashmir. Peskov said, however, that Beijing and New Delhi could resolve their dispute on their own.

"We consider that the two countries are capable of taking necessary steps to prevent such situations in the future and to ensure that there is predictability and stability in the region and that this is a safe region for nations, first of all, China and India," Peskov said, according to the state-run Tass Russian News Agency....

Alliances aren't about trade so much as national security. And it isn't the kind of national security that resorts to nuclear holocaust. It is the kind of national security that allows for economic prosperity WITHOUT the hint of a threat from neighbors. It is why The West engages in military exercises.

That hand-holding with Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a great privilege. If there was ever a man interested in global peace is Modi. I recently saw a picture of him in the Himalayas in his military uniform. Very dashing. The picture and accompanying article left no doubt to the resolve of Modi and India to maintain it's the vigilance of it's borders.

India is in a very interesting neighborhood. India is a great non-aggressive neighbor. So, Putin has little to no reason to think about India as a problem, but, he might want to take it up to his friend, China.

I bid Prime Minister Modi great admiration for the man of peace that is he. Amazing man. 

I am not sure the relationships India has with it's smaller neighbors. I do know Vietnam has been having trouble with China and it's insistence Vietnam oil fields were actually China's. China is a very confused country under this leadership. But, when the virus is under control, I would encourage Prime Minister Modi to reach out to it's small neighbors and find common ground.