Friday, May 22, 2020

Someone needs to follow Trump on his own networks and what he is saying about the second stimulus.

No lie. Oops. Two friends in North Carolina stated they received their second deposit of the second $1200 stimulus. They are not getting unemployment. Both are retired. 

They called to ask me if I got my second payment. Something is not correct. They each received $1200 delivered into their checking accounts from the USA government. 

I can't help but wonder if Trump is doing his level best to suppress the unemployment funds to use as a slush fund for payments to states he needs in 2020 election. 

They received their second $1200 deposit. I didn't receive a second $1200 deposit or check.

I think that is why he is pushing Americans back to work. He wants to hide payments to his favorite states so they can stay at home while other Americans in states that won't be sending their votes to Trump get sick and quite possibly die.

Nothing else makes sense to me. Of course it is a mistake, but, these folks can't afford to send it back. Once the money is gone it is gone. They knew it was coming, too. Something is not as it should be.