Tuesday, May 19, 2020

New Legislative Focus

The FDA needs a new classification for medications over 50 years old. Drugs like hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and pemoline (Cylert) have outlived their sincere usefulness and have better options. These drugs can be considered to be rough cut medications and have dangerous side effects that manifest in most if, not all cases. 

It isn't to say these medications cannot be prescribed, quite the contrary, there are medications such as digoxin that are invaluable and have few side effects so much as beneficial effects. However, there are many medications in that group that need to be prescribed with caution and should be a second choice if there is another beneficial effect vs. dangerous side effects.

The older drugs need to be reviewed and placed in an assessment that demands caution when prescribing and a review of patient side effects that are life-changing vs. effectiveness. Patients, at times, in a short-sighted view of life, will seek treatment for relief of some symptoms and do not care to understand the long view of side effects. There are times when living and coping with symptoms is a wise decision when it comes to added years of longevity without severe complications.

The American Medical Association would add valuable input to such decisions.