Monday, May 18, 2020

"Morning Papers"

The Rooster


There is every indication the US Postal Service will have to be provided vigilance for changes in regulations that will dismantle election ballots for the upcoming 2020 election in November.

California has already decided to issue mail-in ballots to all it's citizens for elections. Someone in the State Attorney General's Office will have to monitor changes that are adverse to the electorate and elections. It is normally the Secretary of State that is responsible for election integrity, however, an assistant from the AG's office will allow the Secretary to move directly to court should there be adverse regulations instituted. The adverse regulations are expected to occur as Trump has completely corrupted the Post Master General's office and the Board of Governors.

I am quite certain A RIGHT TO SIT IN ON THE MEETINGS of the Board of Governors will be important to intercede as quickly as possible.

7-7.1 Federal Laws Applicable to the Postal Service (click here)