Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Nursing homes can made immediate changes to protect their residents.

Nursing homes nationally need to make every room a private room.

Residents should be taught about the "social distancing" the rest of the country is practicing. In that lies the idea that those willing and able to social distance can still attend their facilities activities, such as bingo and karaoke. But, there are going to be activities that can no longer take place such as checkers, chess, and board games.

Connecting nursing home residents to the real world is important. They are full of wisdom and they can be interested in the way the world is coping with the novel virus. As a group, they can write letters or make phone calls to Washington, DC to express their unhappiness with things as they are now and concern for the future of their grandchildren. They can be vital messengers about this national emergency. They should not feel helpless in the face of this disease. They know they are fragile and to give them emotional strength will improve their daily lives. Expressing their love of their family is another way to bring a quality of life to them.

Additionally, the residents can no longer eat as a group, but, will have to receive their meals at their private rooms.

Our nursing room residents should be first on the list of testing as well as the staff. Two negative tests at least one day apart ensure the best understanding of their status.

They are important people. They have wisdom and insight on a far longer timeline than the other generations in the USA. They should be valued for their contribution to our lives to ensure those that care for them is matched to their challenge to longevity from SARS-CoV-2.

Eye exams will ensure the ability of these residents to enjoy reading books and magazines found in a facility library. The residents need to understand the important role of an ombudsman and their rights to complain about their care if needed. 

I would hesitate to plan outings with residents that cannot accommodate social distancing. Families are to understand the issues the residents face with this virus and any family outings have to accommodate safety of all kinds, including protection from the novel virus.