Thursday, April 02, 2020

I saw Speaker Pelosi on Andrea Mitchell's noon news report. I think both ladies are great. Nancy Pelosi is a great speaker. She is not afraid of anyone or anything. She had a new dress. I should say I don't recall seeing that dress on her before. It is a very nice ensemble or at least what I could see of it.

I was right about McConnell. He is such a rhetorical political animal. He never addresses issues with clarity, he just throws rhetoric at it. So tell us, Mitch, why is it you don't see another package to assistance to protect the people of the country? I mean he simply attacked the speaker without any clear indication that he understands the problems the country and it's people now face.

March 31, 2020
By George T. Conway, III

George T. Conway III is a lawyer and an adviser to the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump super PAC. He is a co-founder of Checks & Balances, a network of lawyers advocating for the rule of law.

There should have been shame enough (click here) in orchestrating the acquittal of an impeached president who, in order to extort help for his reelection campaign, unlawfully withheld security aid to an ally. Shame enough in turning the Senate impeachment trial into a sham by refusing to hear a single live witness.

But it turns out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was just getting started.

On Tuesday, he added to the disgrace by claiming that impeachment distracted officials from dealing with the coronavirus. Speaking to radio host (and Post columnist) Hugh Hewitt, McConnell said the virus “came up while we were, you know, tied down in the impeachment trial. And I think it diverted the attention of the government, because everything, every day, was all about impeachment.”

This is gaslighting of the highest order. Leave aside that the president now claims that he presciently “felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic” and that he “always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously."...

While "Moscow" Mitch gaslights the public Trump was refusing the advice of all his advisors. He was suffering, as frequently he is, from gaslighting narcissism (click here) and spinning his own reality. It took days if not at least two weeks to stop Trump from lying about the future of the people of the country and their vulnerability to COVID-19.

I stated then that Trump was hoping the virus would simply be added to the annual deaths of the flu and the country wouldn't notice that COVID-19 was a danger to all Americans in a way the flu never has. Americans are vaccinated every year for the flu and there was absolutely no treatment and/or vaccine for COVID-19. Think about that. The president of the USA was actually willing to let Americans become exposed to a deadly virus hoping the statistics would fade into the flu statistics. That is more than gaslighting. There is a reason why he calls it coronavirus and not COVID-19.

But, I digress.

The Speaker is correct in beginning a bipartisan investigation into the COVID-19 response. There are a lot of moving parts, including the discovery of a Chinese scientist carrying a deadly virus into a Detroit airport. That is only the beginning of the events surrounding this disease that invaded the USA very deeply. The attempt to ignore this virus by the president only begins with a poorly executed plane ride for Americans coming from China. The group included people testing positive for COVID-19.

I am grateful for the fact there are a full 14 weeks of unemployment in the "Workers First" bill. I won't be collecting unemployment, but, I know many people facing bills without a check coming in every week. Families. It is a magnificent law.

I thank Speaker Pelosi for her dedicated leadership.