Thursday, April 02, 2020

I hope this medication sincerely works to defeat COVID-19

Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) (click here) is considered a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD). It can decrease the pain and swelling of arthritis. It may prevent joint damage and reduce the risk of long-term disability. Hydroxychloroquine is in a class of medications that was first used to prevent and treat malaria. Today, it is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, some symptoms of lupus, childhood arthritis (or juvenile idiopathic arthritis) and other autoimmune diseases. It is not clear why hydroxychloroquine is effective at treating autoimmune diseases. It is believed that hydroxychloroquine interferes with the communication of cells in the immune system.

Besides waiting for good news, I was also wondering if the FDA would consider this medication as a prophylactic for those with compromising medical conditions until the vaccine is perfected?

There are serious side effects over time so this idea can't be taken lightly, but, since it is used as a treatment for serious disease it might be offered as a preventive measure for COVID-19.