Sunday, March 08, 2020

The USA is not safe anymore because of Donald "Kompromat" Trump. There are more sincere evil doers that call Trump a friend than I thought any USA president could accumulate. I would think for all the evil doers in his "Friend List" he would wake up to the fact they are playing him for a fool. But, that would mean Americans might have a sympathetic view of him. That would be inaccurate.

When a president's intelligence agency can't produce a Worldwide Threat Assessment on time, that endangers the USA. I can only imagine, as well as most everyone else, what is going on in the intelligent departments of the USA. Maybe Putin is running them.

Trump is a fraud to the public. His politics are not politics at all, but, a belief system that threatens the stability of the USA. He wants to turn the USA's intelligence agencies into his personal enemies. That is nonsense. Trump hops from one foot to the other whenever he has to answer direct questions about any fact. I don't believe he likes being pinned to facts, so much as propaganda.

It is time for the people of the USA to end this charade called a presidency. It is not at all a presidency. As a matter of fact it is more like regime change. It can be said through sincere apathy by Republicans of the US Constitution the bad guys in the world have carried out regime change with Trump. Most responsible is Putin.

Trump has dismantled the USA federal government and replaced it with weak and pandering incompetents. Those leading agencies today have not been in their positions more than a year and most less than a year. That is actively dismantling the federal authority and I guarantee it that Putin’s plans are Trump’s plans. If the financial information that Russia holds dear about Trump, his tax filings and his relationship with marginal banks like Deutsche Bank, he would be found to be inappropriately involved with enemies to the USA. 

Just as a point of interest, Deutsche Bank was instrumental to the Nazis. 

It is time for Americans to get serious about leadership that is making the USA far less safe.