Monday, March 30, 2020

Political lies are dangerous.

The United States of America will never be able to say the country has the lowest per capita rate of infection. 


The USA has already surpassed China with people infected with this virus and China has three times the people. I could go through the math but it is not required.

The reason that is the case is that conservative government is very, very slow to react to danger because their allegiance is to money and not people.

This may or may not be helpful IF the masks being sterilized are N95 masks. It is my understanding that this process is about surgical masks. They are not N95 masks.

March 30, 2020

Columbus - Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (click here) is urging the Food and Drug Administration to fully approve the sterilization of masks in Ohio for healthcare workers and first responders amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

DeWine held a press conference Sunday to appeal to the country after the FDA's decision to limit an Ohio company's capability of sterilizing up to 160,000 masks a day in Ohio....

This is not the best science being used by Governor DeWine and if implemented in isolation units where the COVID patients are being cared for, it will cause illness to occur in the staff. My understanding is that the isolation equipment of N95 masks are in shortage, not surgical masks. If the procedure used for surgical masks is applicable to N95 masks then it should be valuable. I am not sure that is the case though. This is the report that clearly states surgical mask. Surgical masks are not N95 masks.

March 30, 2020
By Kristen Spicker and Thomas Gnau

The FDA gave full approval (click here) to Battelle to utilize new surgical mask sterilization technology, which can decontaminate up to 80,000 masks a day per unit....

If a sterilization process is applied to N95 masks that have not proven to work it could alter the QUALITY of the N95 and expose the wearer to the virus. The virus is very, very, very small and the N95 masks are manufactured to prevent a tiny, microscopic virus from reaching the wearer. A sterilization process could damage the ability of an N95 mask from being effective against a virus by allowing spaces that permit the virus to pass through.

THE FDA IS CORRECT IN LIMITING THE TECHNOLOGY. It is new and could have a much different outcome "in practice." Additionally, I doubt any surgical mask supply that is sterilized will require more than 10,000 masks. There are not that many surgeries per day in any one hospital. Again, surgical masks are not N95 masks.

...DeWine said in a release Sunday that the FDA "made the decision to limit Battelle to sterilizing 10,000 masks a day when they have the capability of sterilizing up to 160,000 a day in Ohio alone."...

There is nothing wrong with New York City having warehouses in New Jersey if it indeed is not a lie. There is only a river between them not 3000 miles of highway.

March 30, 2020
By Eliza Mackintosh

"Nothing (click here) would be worse than declaring victory before the victory is won." President Donald Trump, who repeatedly suggested last week that a win was near, announced yesterday that nationwide social distancing measures would be extended for another month, days after floating the possibility of getting Americans back to work as early as Easter (which is when deaths are currently projected to peak).

Trump's remarks came as top US infectious disease specialist Anthony Fauci offered up a stark new estimate: Between 100,000 and 200,000 Americans could die from the coronavirus, even if the US takes aggressive action. Fauci said that projection played a role in Trump's change of heart. The President acknowledged the gravity of the crisis in a somber press conference, referring to the virus' "viciousness" -- but not before rattling off several false claims and bragging about his TV ratings....

Tokyo Olympics is now July 23 - August 8, 2021.

Another report of a patient's experience where the eyes were involved.

...Bruns didn't consider herself to be at risk for COVID-19. (click here) She was working from home and only going out to get supplies for her family and her mother who is battling lung disease from asbestos exposure. She almost always wore a mask. (at home) Please don't panic the public. The six feet of social distancing is working.
"The only thing I can think of is I was exposed to it at a place where I was picking up supplies," Bruns said.
She started feeling bad Friday March 20. By Monday she went to her doctors office for a coronavirus test.
"I had some abdominal pains, got a bad migraine and started having pain in my eyes, behind my eyes," Bruns said.

She was exhausted. Sleeping 19 hours a day and then came the cough. By Wednesday, still awaiting results, her symptoms worsened. She went to the ER, where they took another test and admitted her for dehydration. She was on some oxygen. When her test came back Friday, she was released to full in home quarantine....
I think this information is important because if this TRACT is the first manifestation of symptoms it can provide a clue to people to self-quarantine, BUT, also it means there is a method to understand the initial method of replication of the virus. It is attaching itself to neural DNA initally. That could be a point of study to find a way to end it.

March 30, 2020
By Lea Skene

Eleven East Baton Rouge residents (click here) have now died from coronavirus after three more deaths were reported over the weekend, the parish coroner's office confirmed Monday morning.

The first was a woman aged 33 with multiple underlying medical conditions who was hospitalized Friday and died the following day, East Baton Rouge Coroner Dr. Beau Clark said in a news release.

Another woman, age 88, died Sunday after almost a week in the hospital. She also had underlying medical conditions that made her particularly vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19, Clark said....