Friday, March 27, 2020

Congratulations to the US House is passing the "Workers First" bill.

Knowing Elon Musk as a public figure, this is probably the beginning of his medical branch. He really is a remarkable engineer himself. I am sure he has a design already.

March 26, 2020
By Kristen Korosec
Tesla CEO Elong Musk (click here) said Wednesday that the company’s factory in Buffalo, New York will open “as soon as humanly possible” to produce ventilators that are in short supply due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

His comments, which were made Wednesday via Twitter, follows previous statements by the CEO outlining plans to either donate ventilators or work to increase production of the critical piece of medical equipment needed for patients who are hospitalized with COVID-19, a respiratory disease caused by coronavirus. COVID-19 attacks the lungs and can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome and pneumonia. And since there is no clinically proven treatment yet, ventilators are relied upon to help people breathe and fight the disease. There are about 160,000 ventilators in the United States and another 12,700 in the National Strategic Supply, the NYT reported....

Ohio is postponing in person voting for the primary.

There is some evidence that a nurse may have caused some infections in other people because she was positive. It is not her fault. She did not know she was positive until she had symptoms. These health care professionals are very valuable people. They are important beyond their own understanding. She blamed herself. That was wrong of her. She could have come back to work as soon as she was well taking care of people she may have infected without knowing of her status. These things happen.


Self-esteem issues among professionals are to seek SUPPORT among colleagues and other nursing and doctor professionals best to understand and offer perspective.

March 25, 2020
By Kelsey Landis

The Catholic Diocese of Belleville(click here) will continue a suspension on Mass through Holy Week during the coronavirus pandemic, Bishop Edward K. Braxton said in a letter Tuesday.

The Chrism Mass on April 7 and Holy Week liturgies will not be celebrated publicly in parishes but streamed online only.

The diocese suspended all Mass earlier this month to prevent the spread of COVID-19.