Friday, March 27, 2020

"Workers First" is signed!

63,000 pounds of freight is equivalent to one 64 foot tracker trailer load.

It is a good idea to keep the weight limits at 20,000 pounds per twin axles because of the Bridge Law. The bridges in the USA are all built with the design that allows that much weight intensity over every dual axle. It is safe to maintain truck weight limits.

More trucks with legal weight when large amounts of supplies are being moved through the country.

New York may have to pursue its own path when it comes to ventilators. A lawsuit may be necessary.

The Army Corp of Engineers like to do work that is appreciated including playgrounds at request of some federal legislators. Governor Cuomo thanked the Army Corp. to accolades today. Trump is out of line in his harsh criticism of great Americans.

Trump is not a team player.

Each producer of ventilators need to have a model available to allow governors know the design for the hospital managers to be confident they will fit in the units and that they work well.

GM needs to get their tool and dye workers to build the case from the design of their engineers. GM needs to work with a 3D manufacturer to produce the small pieces. There is no time to take bid from GM’s usual suppliers. Please.

I would think the manufacturers that are producing ventilators can use a standard design as well. It simplifies the job of repair persons.

ASAP, please. They are smart people and understand the need and mass production. Americans are counting on you.

The FDA is capable of fast tracking a drug. The agency has fast tracked AZT. Enough. If the drugs are working the FDA is very sensitive to the need in the country.

Louisiana is not as economically agile a state as New York is and will be more dependent on federal dollars. Every state needs to begin to find companies that can manufacture their much needed supplies. New York tasked their own companies in a public “On Air” request by Governor Cuomo. I would urge every governor to do the same thing. The response by GM, Ford and others will be coming but the gap until that point is going to have to be filled by local companies. 

None of this is easy. It requires the best of all Americans.

I do not want to be disrespectful or cruel but Mr. Trump is unhelpful in most of his comments.

All Americans need to hunker down and stay at home or the place they call home. The only way Americans are going to be okay is to stay at home. Know more than anyone else that says otherwise. STAY HOME and be patriotic in doing so.

Apply for unemployment and wait for word from an employer to return to work. Help is coming.