Friday, February 07, 2020

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg is receiving endorsements.

This was under the radar. I don't recall his name coming up in the press during the Flint Water Crisis. Not that it is over, but, this endorsement of Michael Bloomberg is a surprise.

Additionally, he received an endorsement in the way of a future vote by the Former Secretary of the Navy. Of course, Trump fired him first for standing against the pardon of a US Navy Seal. Trump is pathetic.

February 7, 2020
By Zahra Ahmed

Flint - Karen Weaver (click here) has endorsed Michael Bloomberg for president because he will “lead the country in the right direction," she said.

The former Flint mayor met Bloomberg in 2016 in the midst of the city’s water crisis. Weaver said that experience showed her what Bloomberg did for the city.

“I got to see first-hand what he did not only for Flint but for mayors all over the country," Weaver said. “He used his voice, power and money to make things better. I’m excited to go around the country and speak on behalf of him and to help make him becoming president a reality. I think he’s long overdue for this country and I believe he will lead us in the right direction.”...

These audio reports are interesting. 

January 15, 2020

Today on Stateside, (click here) it’s been four years since the state announced a criminal investigation into the Flint water crisis. We talked to two journalists who covered the crisis about lessons learned on government accountability and public health. Plus, the state of Michigan files suit against some of the biggest names in corporate America over PFAS contamination. We'll hear about how a similar case played out in Minnesota. 

Listen to the full show above or find individual segments below.

State of Michigan is suing 17 defendants seeking damages for PFAS contamination.The defendants include industrial giants 3M and DuPont. Michigan Radio’s Steve Carmody filled us in on the details of the lawsuit, which the state announced on Tuesday.

Minnesota's case against 3M could give clues for what's ahead in Michigan suit...