Thursday, February 06, 2020

Catholicism at work.

Speaker Pelosi is a very religious woman. She is above reproach. If she states she prays for the president then she does.

Speaker Pelosi does not abandon her faith and invokes a discussion about many aspects of religion when asked. She has always stated that Congress has worked to protect the lives of women and to eliminate abortions at every turn, including birth control. She has always stated, it is important women have access to safe health services.

Life always comes first with Speaker Pelosi and the quality of life is as important.

Impeached President Trump has picked a fight with a Speaker he should be seeking to work with at a National Prayer Breakfast. He is an abhorrence to many in this country. He needs to be seeking forgiveness and treating the Speaker as an esteemed member of Congress is a good place to start.

...“It will be their 61st vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, (click here) and they will of course be wanting to defund Planned Parenthood, destroy the Affordable Care Act, dismantle newfound health security for millions of Americans,” she continued.

“It doesn’t have to be this way,” Pelosi emphasized. “Instead we could be working together recognizing a Republican Congress, a Democratic president, the ability for Democrats to use their leverage legislatively to have compromise for the good of the American people. That’s what Pope Francis told us to do.

“He said leaders should have transparency. That would be wonderful – openness, he said. He used the word openness and pragmatism, and he said we have to move forward for the good of the people. Let’s in the spirit of Francis do that,” she added.

Pelosi was referencing the Pope’s September 24th speech before Congress in which he praised “openness and pragmatism” as qualities of a good leader, although it was in the context of countries resuming dialogue....