Sunday, January 19, 2020

It's Sunday Afternoon

Matrix Forests are an effort to protect ecosystems.

Matrix sites (click here) are large contiguous areas whose size and natural condition allow for the maintenance of ecological processes, viable occurrences of matrix forest communities, embedded large and small patch communities, and embedded species populations. The goal of the matrix forest selection was to identify viable examples of the dominant forest types that, if protected and allowed to regain their natural condition, would serve as critical source areas for all species requiring interior forest conditions or associated with the dominant forest types....

Map of New York State Matrix Forests (click here)

Conservation, when minimized by society seeks to impress the importance of maintaining the integrity of native species and their ecosystems. Conservation biologists seek to bring an understanding to groups that uphold the dignity of nature so others can understand the importance a segment of society that values these beautiful natural areas while protecting wildlife as well. Priorities of greed often over ride the best decisions, but, nature is still hanging in there. If there was no other form of life on earth, there would be forests. Chlorophyll, the molecule, is that indomitable. Skyscrapers crumble over time, but, trees live hardily to 300 years or more.

If the High Allegheny Plateau (click here) along the New York-Pennsylvania line were thought of as a giant chocolate chip cookie, then Appalachian oak-hickory forests would be the cookie dough and the chips would be the other embedded communities such as lakes, bogs, and swamps.