Tuesday, June 18, 2019

One other thing about the needs of the 911 First Responders...

...we are approaching the 20 year window.

Severe disease, the kind that sneaks up on a person, occurs approximately 20 years after exposure. 

We are there for the most part and it makes complete sense the numbers are increasing. The numbers of victims of the 911 First Responders will continue to increase for another 3 to 4 years. The country has to address this on a permanent basis. Partial plans are not a sincere effort.

This is just about predictable. We know the chemicals and the concentrations they were exposed to and we know the dangers they face. There can be no disease process within this population that can be excluded. Everyone has some degree of genetic difference, so there can be many different types of response to the same toxins. We need to accept their word as to their diseases and how they are being afflicted. They are 911 First Responders. They are our heroes, without question or doubt. They would not lie to the country. If they need our help it simply needs to be there.

The point is we need to plan for more people that need help. If there is targeted research that can help this population then that needs to part of the picture as well. Any research for these folks will benefit us all.

I wish them all the best.