Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Watch Jon Stewart's entire testimony before Congress for 9/11 first resp... (click here for reaction of US House)

Jon Stewart is absolutely correct in being worried about the 911 First Responders.

Jon Stewart is an American citizen, he is not a legislator. Any retaliation by anyone, especially the majority leader of the US Senate, against him is grossly inappropriate. The US House has moved a bill out of committee to address it in a floor vote. That occurred after Mr. Stewart's testimony. This is one victory Mr. Stewart has won. I am sure he is following the progression of the bill to a vote and onto the US Senate for passage. I would expect the bill to have veto proof majorities in both the House and the Senate so the president will sign it.

Any retaliation against an advocate for such causes is nothing short of verbal assault. The last thing anyone suffering from injuries and disease needs is a majority leader of the US Senate causing them more stress. Healing takes place best when stress is minimized.

I think Jon Stewart represents the feelings of many Americans about the current Senate and White House which does nothing to solve the problems of citizens, including the 911 First Responders. It is wonderful the First Responders have him as an advocate. He is a sincere hero as well.

I watched the testimony of some of the First Responders that attended that meeting. It is heartbreaking. They put their lives on the line to find people in that rubble and it is a national shame to put them through this. Their help should be automatic.

After 911 there was a victim's fund set up by then President George W. Bush, yet when it comes to the victims we have today in our 911 First Responders, they are not regarded in the same way. This is the same exact thing. They are victims to those attacks as well. They are sick and they are dying.

It is morally reprehensible to realize these people have to make this level of an appeal to Congress. Their needs should be known and taken care of without asking. The families of these responders are being met with devastation as well. As a country we cannot turn our backs on the very people we count on to help with emergencies, especially when the emergencies are as serious at the attacks on September 11, 2001.

The numbers of the 911 First Responders are growing. The USA Congress needs to pass legislation that will provide for every one of them as they need help. These wonderful people not only responded to an emergency, but they were also a focus of a country of people that hoped beyond hope there would still be survivors. The 911 First Responders were there for us and it is our turn now to be there for them.

There is no debate and they have the right to peace of mind. It is important this legislation is taken care of now. I applaud Mr. Stewart for bringing this to the country's attention. He is correct there is absolutely no reason for a delay.