Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Trump has abandoned the USA Constitution and instituted his own personal authority for that of the Executive Branch of the USA.

It is very clear to me by the statements of the two witnesses that Donald J. Trump has abandoned the infrastructure of the USA for a closed inner circle with questionable sources of advice including that of Vladimir Putin.

Yes, that was abandoned. Trump has appointed himself the only authority that matters in the Executive Branch and has left the infrastructure of the government intact as a deception to the American people. If Trump came into office and immediately dismantled the Executive Branch of the USA he would immediately be impeached and removed from office.

The testimonies of the two witnesses thus far is very worrying. When an Ambassador is earnest in his need to resolve a circumstance he or she considers vital to the USA national interest, THAT MUST CARRY BREVITY. There should be no "Trump Circus" to CLEARLY OBSTRUCT those insights to the Ambassador in service to the USA.

Trump will no doubt rely on the "idea" that a Deep State was disloyal to the country and needs to be terminated at any level of authority.

The reason the Ambassador to Ukraine was very highly qualified in his position is to INSURE a profound an abiding loyalty to the USA Consitution. The stark difference between the demeanor of Bill Taylor and that of Gordon Sondland when it comes to the issue of protecting Donald J. Trump is very notable. Ambassador Taylor did not lie to the USA government.

Ambassador Taylor and all others that have been painfully truthful to the USA House are among the finest people this country can rely on and that is what is important above any idea of a TRUMP CREATED "Deep State."

I am aware the DOJ Inspector General will be releasing a document soon that reviewed the decisions and evidence leading to the Special Counsel's investigation. It, however, sounds as though there is no such assessment of the Bill Bar office in relation to attempts of obstruction of justice and his 2-page letter. That is a second investigation that needs to take place to complete the picture.