Monday, September 23, 2019

"He took Ukrainian money."

Hunter Biden was qualified for the job with a private energy firm. I am quite sure he was valuable to that petroleum company. The reason people state he is not qualified is that he is NOT a corrupt Texas oilman, hence, no petroleum experience with the right tilt to end the idea of alternative energy.

Hunter Biden has and had significant credentials when he accepted the Board of Trustees' job. 

This is straight off Wikipedia:

Robert Hunter Biden (born February 4, 1970) is an American lawyer and the second son of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and his first wife, Neilia Biden. He is a partner at Rosemont Seneca Partners, LLC, and is Counsel to Boies Schiller Flexner LLP, a New York-based law firm.

Education matters.

Biden received a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University and a Juris Doctor from Yale Law School.  After graduating from college, he was a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest,[2] where he met his first wife.

He is a member of the bar in the state of Connecticut.

He worked for the White House as an undersecretary to two different Secretaries of Commerce. While serving in the Clinton White House he was assigned director of E-commerce policy.

He was director of E-commerce policy issues in the Department of Commerce,[8] a position he held from 1998 to 2001.

During this period, He also served as a partner and board member of the mergers and acquisitions firm Eudora Global. Biden was chief executive officer, and later chairman, of the hedge fund Paradigm Global Advisors, founded in 1991 by Dr. James Park. At MBNA, a major US bank, Biden was employed as a senior vice president....

...On April 18, 2014, Burisma Holdings announced Biden's appointment to its board of directors in a press release. Hunter Biden stepped down from the board when his term expired in April 2019....

Burisma Group was founded in 2002 by Ukrainian businessman Mykola Zlochevsky and Nikolay Lysin [uk]. Now it is owned by Mykola Zlochevskyi [uk].

I personally wouldn't vote for Hunter if he ran for office, because I disagree with some of his priorities, but, he broke no laws either in the USA or abroad.

The reason Hunter Biden is on display is that he worked in Ukraine AFTER the uprising that provided a new government and a return to an 2004 Constitution. He did not take Ukrainian currency from the government, he earned his income from a private petroleum company. There is a difference and he should not be ashamed of the money he earned. His salary does not even match that of the CEO's of major USA petroleum companies. End of discussion about his pay.

The reason Hunter Biden is being USED is that Trump's favorite saying is, "That is unfair." He doesn't care about the work Hunter Biden did, Trump wants to damage the Former Vice President Joe Biden AND act out in public about unfair convictions such as Paul Manafort (who took Ukrainian money).

By stating "He (Hunter Biden) took Ukraine money," is to build support for the idea Manafort was treated unfairly and justifies a pardon.

Paul Manafort went to prison because he broke the law according to a jury of his peers. Hunter Biden never did anything illegal and I am sure he provided a lot of wisdom to the company he worked for in Ukraine.