Monday, July 01, 2019

USDA Scientists

Unionizing is good. I am surprised they weren't unionized. Government employees are usually always unionized for this very reason.

They need to file a lawsuit against Donald Trump and Sonny Perdue. The jobs being erased are vital to the American people. We all know that, but, we are dealing with idiots in the Trump Administration trying to reduce the federal government footprint to zero by next year. It was a campaign promise.

It has been my experience judges listen and they absolutely love to listen to scientists. Scientists have great minds and naturally gravitate to details. Judges love the fact critical thinkers can bring precise information in a way that allows clear minded decision making.

As a perspective, after Trump was elected, there appeared articles and ads for American scientists in journals and on job boards. Europe saw this coming. There are now American scientists in practice and in education in Europe because of this exodus.

It isn't right, but, it is the reality. The Trump administration has to be stopped. First, a court injunction to end the destruction of the USA's scientific basis that contributes to the well being of Americans must be filed. The USDA has never needed it's scientists more. The Climate Crisis is upon us and the scientists within the USDA must continue to do their work.

I believe in being prepared. In two weeks there may be an injunction that stops Trump and Perdue, but, for the sake of argument, let's say there isn't. The USDA scientists need to ask themselves what becomes of my work, my records, my research, my outreach and the very building that houses my lab and office.

It is my belief Trump hates intensely and he especially hates scientists because they outsmart him. It doesn't matter if USDA scientists want to explain the impact of their work so the president and agricultural secretary can appreciate it because those two men don't care to appreciate it.

If the buildings that house the current laboratories and offices are abandoned by their employees because of a very HOSTILE work environment, I am fairly confident any records will be destroyed, furniture sold along with laboratory equipment and ultimately the buildings sold as real estate. There is one other possibility and that is a crony of Trump's actually wants to buy everything inside the buildings where laboratories current stand and start a private research firm.

That is not the worry of the unionized scientists. They need to protect their work in every way possible relating to the judge such records cannot be destroyed because they are priceless. The American people paid for that research and it would be a crime if all those records were destroyed. The USDA Scientists have the best interest of the people in mind and they have to fight with all they have to end this hideous priority by greedy men.

In going before a judge, the scientists and their lawyer have to be ready to leave their buildings and labs without resistance. The resistance they need to exert is through the courts. I am quite confident in the right hands Purdue's ideology will melt away because it is unconstitutional. The USDA is a branch of a Cabinet Level part of the government. Trump and Perdue cannot simply eliminate pieces of a cabinet level of government.


Founded in 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed into law an act of Congress establishing the United States Department of Agriculture. Two and one-half years later, in what would be his final annual message to the Congress; Lincoln called USDA "The People's Department."

Trump and Perdue are attempting to dissolve the USDA as the American people know it. THAT IS ILLEGAL.

The USDA scientists need to get in front of a judge to end the THREATS and MEANINGLESS plans of Sonny Perdue and Donald J. Trump.


Additionally, if the doors are locked and the locks all changed in two weeks, the USDA scientists are ENTITLED to their REGULAR salary. Just because a door to a laboratory is locked, doesn't mean their employment changes. Benefits. Retirement and pensions and all the entities that brought brilliant scientists to work for the USDA have to be honored.

But, to BE CIVIL. Judges love it when people are civil. Protect records and work and prepare to leave as described. The lawyers have to stop this mess and because it is Trump it is a mess.

Scientists don't worry about constitutionality on a regular basis. They worry about the scientific process and peer review. I wish them well. I think they will do fine. Unfortunately, this should have started months ago and that is why the emergency injunction is needed.

Good luck. It is the people that will suffer if this is allowed to transpire. That is the real crime.