Friday, July 26, 2019

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is correct about impeachment. The case has to be strong to persuade the US Senate it is not a partisan effort to remove a president.

The progression to impeachment is obvious and it is not because it is artificial, it is all based on facts. I don't know how any American can state the US House is making up a movement against Trump with such a compelling testimony by the Former Special Counsel.

The USA Constitution states, "High crimes and misdemeanors." Misdemeanors. I think that speaks to the demand by the US Constitution for the strong moral character that every president should demonstrate. Trump doesn't come close.

The American Rule of Law states crimes committed by the president is not permitted. There have been presidents in the past that have been impeached. The issues with Trump demonstrate and far exceed that of previous impeachments. However, the Senate is not interested in the words of the USA Constitution and represent immoral people inside and evidently outside the borders of the USA.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is correct, the US House cannot impeach alone. She believes rightly if the investigations of the US Hosue leads to impeachment it will go forward and when it does it will be a strong case the Republican Senate is going to find impossible to deny.