Tuesday, July 23, 2019

"Fight the Monolith."

They (click here for t-shirt)  I doubt the manufacturer received permission to use their image for profit. But, right now they are a monolith every time Trump brands them and rebrands them. Anyone notice how he continues to change the "evil name" of the ladies.

His METHODOLOGY is to depersonalize the person and rebrand the person.

Depersonalization comes as an 'evil person or idea' such as socialism that will destroy the USA economy. Then he finds a word that sticks. He is still looking for that word for the four ladies. 

Every time they get a chance to personalize themselves to the media do it. Try the idea of producing a "You Tube" about where they were born, where their parents are from and where they are today. I would love for Congresswoman Ilhan Omar to produce her own autobiography of her plight and the salvation the USA provided to her and her family as refugees. I believe most Americans do not understand what a refugee status is and how they come to love this country as their own.

But, the idea is to expand the understanding of what is now a monolith identity. They should give themselves many dimensions even outside the Congress.

The people involved in such a composition would have to provide consent to be a part of the production. But, if they are to be the face of the younger and newer generation of Democrats, then, they need to let the USA come to know them and understand their lives and how they were elected.