Friday, June 07, 2019

This is what the Hyde Amendment started.

It began the idea that people of faith were in a superior class of American than the rest of all other Americans. The florist, the cake baker are all people where LGBTQI Americans live. The LGBTQI community have finally achieved the right to marry and be treated equally with other Americans. Since winning civil rights, the Christian right wing in the USA has carried out assaults against those rights because it would taint their souls to take their money for services affiliated with marriage.

This action allowed by the Supreme Court is Un-American. Do the Christians involved in this extremist find their souls tainted by liars? Do they find their souls tainted by criminals? No. They are only tainted by those that are not heterosexual.

This extremism is known as a farce and the extremist Robert's Court which allows such insults to the civil rights of a CHOSEN group of Americans allows such nonsense in the communities of the USA.

You know, my family is Catholic. A big Irish Catholic family. We love nearly everything Kosher. I am glad we are still allowed to purchase those special items in major corporate grocery stores, as well as small family, owned businesses.

The Robert's Court allows too much indulgence to this extremism. This is the USA where anyone can have any belief and be an American. The Robert's Court, especially Sam Alito, needs to get over themselves.

June 6, 2019
By Kevin Daley

A florist (click here) who refused to create floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court after a Washington state court ruled Thursday that she violated the state’s civil rights law.

The case presents the high court with an opportunity to decide whether conservative religious believers can use the First Amendment as a defense against laws requiring accommodation of LGBT people, a question the justices ducked in the 2018 Masterpiece Cakeshop ruling....