Sunday, June 09, 2019

There are other species of tree involved with the Northern Hardwood Forest. It is important to know the relationship between plants and animals to understand the balance that accompanies nature.

What may happen with the Snowshoe Hare is that nature will select those individuals that remain brown through the year. That doesn't mean when the warming that Michael Bloomberg is going to reverse takes hold and there is plenty of snow again, there won't be white rabbits. Quite the contrary, as the dark individuals are easier to find in the white snow, those that are pale or white will once again increase in numbers. 

It is all genetics and natural selection. Now, that doesn't mean it is magic and will be in perfect balance automatically. It is important, especially with ABRUPT climate change, that species are monitored, counted and their habitat and food sources kept plentiful. The worst thing that can happen is to have the Snowshoe Rabbit completely disappear, hence, vigilance through observation of the ECOSYSTEM. The Snowshoe Hare is an indicator species for a very real reason.

Until next week, enjoy being outside.