Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Poland does not have to buy F35s to receive military armaments from the USA.

There are other stealth jets. The F35 is proving to be a problem. Still. 

June 12, 2019
By Valerie Insinna

Over the past several years, (click here) U.S. Defense Department leaders have gone from citing technical problems as their biggest concern for the F-35 program to bemoaning the expense of buying and sustaining the aircraft.

But the reality may be worse. According to documents exclusively obtained by Defense News, the F-35 continues to be marred by flaws and glitches that, if left unfixed, could create risks to pilot safety and call into question the fighter jet’s ability to accomplish key parts of its mission:

F-35B and F-35C pilots, compelled to observe limitations on airspeed to avoid damage to the F-35’s airframe or stealth coating. Cockpit pressure spikes that cause “excruciating” ear and sinus pain. Issues with the helmet-mounted display and night vision camera that contribute to the difficulty of landing the F-35C on an aircraft carrier....

This is a film loop of the F-22 Raptor. The Raptor is designed for air superiority. I don't know if Poland needs stealth fighters, so much as a strong presence in the region. Stealth can be nice and there are other stealth fighters than the F-35. Poland should consider it's choices carefully.

A Polish delegation, including military generals, might want to visit with the US Congress about these choices. These decisions can be made to complement NATO as well.

The US Congress will have to approve these sales. It would be good if a Polish Delegation paid a visit and won the Congress' confidence. Congress can help with details and contacts to the companies involved as well.