Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Existential means of or relating to existence

Got that?

Existential means of or relating to existence

What is being stated by the Former Vice President Biden is not a campaign slogan or political rhetoric, it is a warning.

I believe Americans concerned for the country with Trump's leadership are FEELING it. It is a threat and I believe many Americans know instinctively there is something very wrong in the Trump White House.

June 11, 2019
By John McCormack

Democrats (click here) are split on the question of repealing the Hyde amendment, the ban on federal funding of elective abortions under Medicaid, according to a Morning Consult poll conducted June 7 to 9. Only a plurality of Democratic primary voters, 45 percent, support repealing the measure, while 38 percent oppose repeal....

If there ever was a deep state it involves the oppression of women on a cultural basis.

That said, I believe the Hyde Amendment was hiding a religious agenda. That religious agenda has used the courts to legislate issues. The Republicans chronically, in past decades, have accused the Democrats of choosing judges that "legislate from the bench." It is quite the opposite.

One of the reasons Republicans like the Hyde Amendment is that it protects the soul from having abortion touch the monies paid in taxes through paid abortions with Medicaid. That idea launched a STRATEGY to defeat the USA Constitution and it's separation of church and state. Today, the abortion issue is being promulgated as a national priority for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

If the Robert's Court was ever to unseat Roe v. Wade and end the demand of every state having access to abortion it will be a strike for a theocracy rather than a democracy. Abortion rights must exist in any society to allow women the ability to control their outcomes in life.

Currently, in the White House is a man that seeks to end all the civil rights accomplished by women, minorities and the LGBTQI communities. We know he has ordered the USA military to discriminate against transgender members. YES, Trump is now building highly discriminatory policies against Americans that identify as Transgender.

A transgender person is someone who identifies as a gender other than his or her biological sex. For example, a person who is biologically male but identifies as female may identify as transgender. Transgender individuals are not excluded from military service, and DOD policy specifically prohibits discrimination based on gender identity. But all persons, whether or not they are transgender, must meet all military standards, including the standards associated with their biological sex. Waivers or exceptions to these standards may be granted on a case-by-case basis.

So, regardless of a transgender American in the military identifying as the opposite gender, sex reassignment surgery cannot take place, they cannot conduct themselves as the opposite gender and must live with a sexual identity they do not recognize as their own.

There are currently members of the US military serving as their PREFERRED gender identity. The idea a person has to be facing the choice between gender identity and valuable service to the USA is a threat to the volunteer military. The Trump administration is making far reaching changes and not simply the military. These changes effect clear air and clean water which is the basis of a promising trouble free life.

Donald J. Trump, in his policy positions, is an existential threat to the USA. We have children dying at the USA border in detainment camps. Children are not criminals. Children are not a threat to the USA. This is simply not us.