Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Child capacity at the USA southern border.

Trump loyalists states, "...the doors were open, they could have left when they wanted...."

Really? I mean, really? Really, these children have the capacity to reason they can leave?

I don't believe they have the map home or anywhere else for that matter. Children's understanding of life is what they know in the world provided to them. They aren't natural explorers. Bravery in a child is learned and not inherent.

They are in the desert. There is nothing around them they recognize as home. Teens might leave because they would have the rational they could come back. But, children won't understand the world enough to realize there is a way outside the concentration camp that is viable for their survival. 

I find open doors leading to the world irresponsible of the adult jailers.

I would expect the last words spoken to them by their separated parents or family were, "I love you. Be good. Do as you are told. We will see you later."

It isn't as though the authorities using private contractors as jailers or prison wardens provide an inspiring example.

...Stewart ended up in jail for a probation violation (click here) related to a five-year-old incident where he had shoplifted an 18-pack of beer and swung it at someone attempting to stop him. He died after seeking medical assistance for almost a month, according to a federal investigation. An autopsy showed a perforated ulcer had filled his stomach with at least a pint of blood....

Jail and/or prison isn't supposed to turn into a death sentence. Why are we surprised the same level of neglect and cruelty are shown to children not yet citizens?