Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Indiana abortion law portion upheld by the US Supreme Court does two things.

It ends the use of fetal tissue in medical research and it makes abortion more expensive by a few hundred dollars. Cremated or buried remains make it impossible for use by medical research.

It is obviously the work of the extreme right wing of the Republican party as signed by Mike Pence when he was governor. It is a ridiculous notion. It is a further attempt by the political right wing to make a fetus a citizen.

May 28,, 2019
By Tucker Higgins

The Supreme Court on Monday (click here) reversed an appeals court ruling striking down an Indiana abortion law governing the disposal of fetal remains, which was signed by Vice President Mike Pence when he was governor of the state. The law, among other provisions, barred the incineration of fetal remains alongside surgical byproducts. 

The court declined to take up a second case involving so-called “discriminatory” abortions.

The U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down that law, which barred abortions sought because of the fetus’s expected race or disability status. The court’s order on Monday will keep the law from being enforced, though the justices did not take a position on the constitutionality of the regulation. 

The announcement was made in an order released on the court’s website. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor would have let the lower court ruling that blocked the fetal remains law stand....

This more or less falls into line with burial possibilities following miscarriages. (click here) I suppose this was always a possibility with abortions, but, the bonding is very different and the likelihood of providing this service for abortions is bizarre.