Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Donald Trump foments hate.

He can't embrace White Nationalism/White Supremacism while signing a bi-partisan bill with it's roots in years of research that BEGINS to reduce prison populations. Donald Trump had no choice but to sign the bill because it would have passed the House and Senate with enough votes to overcome any pocket veto.

...A rare coalition (click here) of conservatives, liberals, activists, prosecutors and defense attorneys — spanning the political spectrum — pushed senators to pass the "First Step Act" by a final vote of 87-12.

The House is expected to take up the Senate version of the bill at a later date. The House passed a similar version of the bill back in May by a wide margin, 360-59....

Trump turned the signing of the bill into a campaign moment in the White House with an assembly of people that would provide the image of his diversity. Donald Trump has no diversity, not unlike many others on the extreme right, unless it will serve election ambitions.

Besides his lack of diversity, I found it astounding Trump never participated in ceremonies on Memorial Day. What was he doing abroad during a holiday that commemorates our war dead? That surprised me. Even his re-election ambitions didn't prevent his overseas travel.

Donald Trump's White House has been a revolving door of partisan hacks that have used their cabinet position to create a wealth of which they personally benefited. Trump set up a wall of ethics between himself and his appointees in order to keep the corruption that was occurring across the USA away from his image. He never opposed any of the corruption being carried out while he enforced his ethics wall.

That said, the USA needs to find a suitable president in 2020 that will uphold our values, our dignity and provide a sound footing for our children and grandchildren.

The economics under Trump is nothing more than regulation disruption or attempts to dissolve them. There are always monies waiting to be made behind regulations. That is not economic growth, that is an economic retreat. That is not new. Reagan did the same thing. When is real economic growth going to take hold in the USA without the ridiculous retreat into old world economics? If the old world economics of Trump were removed from the USA, the country actually lost ground.

...The 2.2% rate is also a significant slowdown (click here) from the June and September quarter’s 4.2% and 3.4% results, respectively. While the government shutdown played a factor, it probably only impacted the growth rate by 0.1% to 0.2%. Overall, it appears that Trump’s tax cuts had only a temporary effect and were more of a sugar rush than a game changer....

The tax bill provided a surge of liquidity in the USA economy. That bill has worn off. It was artificial and a one time uptick that was to serve as a reason to vote Republican.

There still is the working poor. Their economic relief still doesn't exist. Trump has been cutting back aspects of their well being, such as food stamps and Medicaid. Those reductions are expected to continue and grow. The working poor has work, but, their ability to improve their status has not changed. The way they spend their income changed, but, their status has not improved. 

These are all old world strategies to punish the poor as if they are simply too lazy to achieve. The working poor have never worked harder.

The reasons to re-election Trump do not exist. I think he is being primaried and those still involved with the Republican Party should take that primary seriously.

If there isn't a viable and moral answer to the Republican nominee for 2020, it is obvious the death of Senator John McCain was the death of any moral conscience of the Republicans.