Sunday, May 19, 2019

FOX News, Nunes and Barr are conflating Christopher Steele emails at the FBI and SPYING on the Trump campaign. If this is how a propaganda campaign begins then I can do that.

Barr is in El Salvador strolling through a jail where MS 13 is behind bars. They are behind bars by the way.

What I want to know about El Salvador is how the economy is doing without USA subsidies so the drug cartels can remain behind bars just like MS 13. They are behind bars, right? The drug cartels because those are the organizations driving people of the Northern Triad to the border of the USA. So, while Barr is obsessed with MS13, what is happening with the drug cartels? No more killings, right? No more child soldiers, right?

FOX STORY LINE is simpleton stuff. Spying, Steele, Hillary Clinton, dirty top level leaders at the FBI, bad guy Comey, hush hush alliance with Russia has no value for these propagandists. I really think the Clintons, Comey and former FBI leadership have a real slander case against FOX, Barr and Trump. Put Nunes in there, too.

It is very obvious someone is writing a campaign story line for Trump’s election. The repeated script, the absence of facts and an exclusive content to hold viewers attention. I am confident there are plenty FCC violations. FOX will never be leaned on to clean up their act.

I have never seen a USA attorney general so willing to say, “I don’t know at least not yet.” With all the people employed by the FBI he remains unable to answer highly inflammatory questions. He is a proven liar. What does anyone expect? 

I think the US House needs to demand their records ASAP before Barr says he doesn’t know where they are either.