Sunday, May 19, 2019

I want to talk about young New York State forests as they should be, not so much as they may present themselves initially.

When a group of people set out to protect land and RETURN it's natural quality there is always a disappointing start as the realization that the land has been abused or mismanaged and the entire venture seems impossible.

I want to reassure anyone reading this blog that I write nothing here that is impossible. There is no ideology. This is a practical working knowledge of the land and it's nature that can be FORCED to return to health and glorious heritage forests. Forests result because of geography, land and climate.

Forests are communities. They have what are called "Indicator Species." There are tree indicator species, animal indicator species and even insect and soil indicator species. It is these indicator species that will tell the health of the forest. I am sure anyone with a casual understanding of conservation has heard the concept of indicator species.

The most famous indicator species most Americans know is the "Northern Spotted Owl" of the Northwest (click here).