Wednesday, January 09, 2019

The Republicans moveD the goal posts again.

First, the GOP stated they would give Trump $5 billion, Trump demanded $5.6 and shut down the government. Now, the GOP wants $5.7 billion and add $100 million. 

The GOP forgets how this became an election issue. It wasn't about migrants, it was to stomp environmentalists that opposed a wall due to the harm of the land and species. Every inch of border wall was viewed by zealots as a victory for capitalism.

The zealots. like Trump, enjoy the power affiliated with a sovereign border, the cheering to complete a wall never ended. Excuse me, but, preventing a drink of water for bison is not worth $5.7 billion.

George W. Bush started this mess and Texas is a chronic obstruction to finishing any border fence for the next two decades. The legal challenges in Texas, yes Texas, will continue for 15 to 20 years.

This wall or fence or whatever is nothing more than political football that is disabling a sector of our government and is proving to hobble THE USA'S FREE TRADE ECONOMY.

There is no crisis at the southern border with the exception of species seeking habitat. Humans coming to the USA for asylum are received by many religious charities to assist their survival; there is yet a non-profit stationed at the border to assist species to survive. Who would bother? There are gun-toting vigilantes out there.