Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Airlines need to think about taking on the pay to TSA workers in order to continue to fly if this goes on much longer.

The airlines need to assess their ability to carry out the role of TSA to ensure their passengers' safety. Trump is obviously not interested in funding the government. I can't believe TSA isn't considered vital personnel. 

Federal employees are soon to face their future and whether the stalemated Republicans will actually resolve this problem with Trump. If federal employees begin to leave their jobs, there won't be replacements without a paycheck attached to it.

The US House and US Senate need to go into reconciliation and then override the veto. There cannot be any more negotiations with the President, so the path forward has to be a resolution that includes a veto override.

January 9. 2019

...The some 51,000 TSA officers have been working (click here) without an idea of when their next paycheck would arrive since the shutdown began on Dec. 22.

Airport representatives and air traffic controllers are fretting about the prolonged closure.

"Federal staffing and other resource shortfalls brought on by this shutdown threaten existing and new air service to communities across the country, harming air travelers, businesses, and regional economies all over America," the Airport Council International trade group wrote in Jan. 8 letter to Trump, Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. "A true national crisis would develop if we cripple the U.S. aviation system in this manner."...