Sunday, January 06, 2019

Switzerland governs itself by two legislative documents, "The Kyoto Protocol" and the CO2 Act.

CO2 Act (Act 641.71, fully revised version) (click here)

Legislative (law) / Mitigation Framework /  2013

The CO2 Act is at the core of Swiss climate legislation and has been updated several times, including for meeting Swiss commitments under the UNFCCC.

The most recent version of the CO2 Act is a full revision of the 2000 CO2 Act, which has been partially revised several times, and a response to the need for post-2012 climate legislation until 2020.

The revision of 1 January 2013 sets out a number of targets, measures and strategies to address climate change via emission reductions in Switzerland, including market-based carbon trading mechanisms. Key aspects are:

– Emission reductions by 20% by 2020 below 1990 with domestic measures (possibly 30% depending on other nation’s commitments); any increase beyond the -20% reduction can be met up to 75% with measures carried out abroad....