Sunday, January 06, 2019

Switzerland has an aggressive climate policy which leaves no stone unturned.

Swiss climate policy (click here)

Switzerland pursues an active policy to reduce greenhouse gases, thus contributing to the internationally recognised target of limiting global warming to significantly under 2 °C. The applicable CO2 Act focuses on reducing Switzerland’s domestic emissions.

The CO2 Act, the heart of Swiss climate policy, pursues an emission reduction target for 2020, and is concerned with different instruments for buildings, transport and industry:

Switzerland intends to reduce domestic greenhouse gasses by at least 20% from their 1990 levels, by 2020.

The Act primarily concerns fossil heating and motor fuels, but also includes other important greenhouse gases in addition to CO2.

It also assigns to the federal government the role in adaptation to climate change.

CO2 Levy
Emissions Trading
CO2 emissions regulation for vehicles
Compensation for CO2 emissions (mitigation)
Technology Fund
Sector agreements
Adaptation measures

Climate change does not stop at national frontiers. Since Switzerland, with her mountain ecosystem, is strongly affected by warming, a coordinated approach at global level is essential for this alpine country.