Thursday, January 03, 2019

The US Senate has an exciting and burgeoning paradigm to bring in real leadership and not simply hardline rhetoric.

I realize the Democratic response to the State of the Union is usually given to newly elected members of the Senate or House, but, that needs to be set aside this year. 

Senator Durbin needs to provide the Democratic response to the State of the Union. He needs to be able to provide corrections to the State of the Union so the country has the correct information to make decisions about their leadership. I never meant that more. How the country is defended is more important than ever. We are on the defense. Americans are trying their level best to defend their Constitution, that falls to Democratic leadership in the House AND Senate.

I admire the arrival of Senator Romney and while he is going to provide real leadership based in his knowledge of governance, he needs to get his feet wet in the US Senate and move policy beyond what McConnell can provide. The US Senate Republicans dearly need new leadership that can govern rather than obstructs. The country is in need of governance and not chronic politicking.

What Senator Romney is unaware of are the HABITS of Senate Republicans. He will provide leadership, but, will it be well received? The US Senate Republicans will remain mainly silent about Senator Romney's leadership UNTIL they begin to realize their poll ratings might be falling and if standing in the shadows backing Trump serves their poll ratings, they will abandon any leadership Senator Romney provides. He will be a lone soldier in the fight for this country and then they will begin to back Trump and ruin his place in the US Senate.

I wish Senator Romney a great place in the US Senate with longevity, but, he needs to build a consensus behind his leadership, including a BIPARTISAN approval rating. He has the potential to be a great leader in the US Senate, but, he has to be savvy and smart. He is capable. Right now he is deathly worried for the USA and I don't blame him, but, herding Republicans into real governance is going to require him to build strong relationships and his own platform of Republican reform. The election of 2018 gives him the right to do that.

Senator Romney may not have a history of military service, but, there is a place that Senator McCain defended which is currently abandoned. Senator Romney needs to occupy that place. Senator McCain's daughter, Megan, can fully brief him about the McCain Family Legacy.

Senator McCain endorsed Mitt Romney. I am sure that is something he hasn't forgotten.

I hope Ann Romney is settling in for the long run. There is every reason to believe the couple will be there for a good length of time. She is a wonderful person and can add her own leadership from the time she was First Lady of Massachusetts. I just don't know where there is a meeting room big enough if the entire family shows up to say "hello" to their new friends.