Thursday, January 31, 2019

I always carry a sleeping bag in the car during winter.

No lie. There is one there now. In case of accident by even other people and traffic snares. Snow and drifts that can cause stranding. Three things prudent during severe winter weather; air to breath, contained body heat to stay warm and fluids to drink. Uncertainty can be wicked.

That said, the big talk in the Midwest is “Frost Quakes.” They are a loud “bang” coming from the ground and sometimes buildings. Frost Quakes are caused by freezing water in the ground. Freezing water expands and will disrupt soil around it. In the case of a deep freeze the point at which frozen water disrupts soil structure a loud bang results. What folks, including mayors and governors, need to keep in mind is any damage to anything by the ice won’t necessarily show up until the ice melts.

Frost Quakes are mostly harmless when they occur and primarily take place under ground.