Monday, September 17, 2018

That is true of these storms; as time goes by the water becomes a dominating factor to the danger to life.

Please change the way one thinks about these storms. The Climate Crisis storm carries enormous amounts of water, their wind nearly stop over land and the rain simply comes out of the sky. Flooding and FLASH FLOODING is a profound risk to life.

When the first alarm goes out REMOVE YOURSELF from the anticipated landfall and rains of that storm. That means pre-planning to know where to go with a length of stay that may be as long as a week or more. Employers are going to have to understand these are people that want to be out of the danger and safe. The employers should have knowledge of where their employees are so that after the storm passes they can be called to return IF SAFE FLOOD FREE ROUTES EXIST.

These storms are different. For a North Carolinian in Wilmington, NC a Category One storm seems like a rainstorm considering the history of the city; but; these storms are different. A deluge of water comes with them with stagnant movement and increased flooding and FLASH FLOODING for every raindrop that falls.

There are no more hurricanes that roll through and in a day or two it is over. Water is the danger and it comes in quantities unimagined because of the stagnant nature of the storm. So, when people think this is ONLY a Category One storm, that is the wrong way to think of them. THIS IS A CATEGORY ONE STORM WITH LITTLE WIND TO MOVE THE RAIN ALONG. That is the way to think of it.

While water damage with hurricanes have always been a concern, in the year 2018 the danger is magnified 100 fold. Every inch of water is becomes more dangerous than the inch before. So, leave the area to a place where one will be safe away from the unpleasantness that accompanies these storms. It might be a bit of a vacation, but, a person is alive to enjoy the sun and fun until they can return home. That is the way to see this. The water is too dangerous to stay even with a Category One or a Tropical Storm.

These storms are different. They cause different damage to lives and everyone needs to think differently to protect themselves and their loved ones.