Thursday, July 05, 2018

NATO spending needs to be increased.

In an article in “Newsweek,” Defense Secretary Mattis warned the U.K. its defense spending is too low. The response from Russia is that the warning from Mattis is based in “Made up threats.” (Fake News)  All of a sudden Russia is an expert on Fake News.

Europe is exposed with several right wing politicians elected into power while Ukraine and Crimea remain the focus of Russian aggression which borders Europe. Mattis is very correct; now is not the time for military budget cuts in Europe.

I also found the Russian expedient reply more than interesting. It is my view that Russia wants propaganda to be successful in minimizing Europe’s defenses in order to give Russia a real chance at invading Ukraine without opposition.

General Mattis’s words along with a French assessment of North Africa will bring any debate to a close. NATO needs to come to terms with the need to beef up it’s defenses and increase defense spending to achieve those goals.

Currently Ukraine is completing it’s readiness to become a worthy ally to the West. Ukrainians are more than adequate allies and Europe should embrace it’s new ally and friend. I am not only looking forward to new economic opportunities with Ukraine, but, the addition of real military clout to the region within Ukraine’s expertise and knowledge.

The Baltic’s and Poland are country’s worth noting as incursion points into Europe and any increase in military spending for NATO will serve to stabalize those borders. Increased spending in NATO has absolutely nothing to do with the Korean Peninsula’s ambition to end hostilities and be free of nuclear weapons. Kim Jong Un can still lead the efforts for peace going forward. Nothing changes.

As a matter of fact, the only concern currently regarding a destabilized region is the vascillations of Turkey. But, that is a separate issue. 

General Mattis needs to present his overview of NATO to the US Congress. In bringing testimony to Congress, General Mattis should bring his counter parts from other NATO allies to speak as well.