Thursday, July 05, 2018

I don’t really know where to start with Scott Pruitt. He had many complaints against him that violated  American laws regarding his spending, but, he is a human rights abuser. 

The fact the Secretary of the US EPA is a human rights abuser can’t be overlooked, but, the extent to which this occurred is more a statement about the inability of Congress to move effectively to protect the American people from such an appointee. 

Scott Pruitt has decades of reputation of attacking the US EPA and stating he has been very frustrated with losing his cases. Scott Pruitt carried on and on about environmental regulation as Attorney General of Oklahoma. Oklahoma is an environmental disaster area. That is not an exaggeration. Oklahoma scientists, including those who work for the state, are equally as frustrated.

Pruitt’s nomination was made out of hubris and hate for the science that is needed to tame fracking earthquakes, methane emissions, contaminated drinking water and the deaths of innocent people from  that contaminated drinking water. The enormity of the reality of Scott Pruitt has to be addressed.

In reflection on his paranoia and extravagant spending, including openly practiced corruption needs to be understood. How could such a professionally crippled man make it to nomination yet passed into the powers of the EPA.

The reality of him should be studied to realize where democracy failed the people that would become his victims. There is right and wrong in this world. How did wrong find a place of preeminence within a federal agency created to protect Americans?