Sunday, June 10, 2018

Can there be any doubt now that Trump is a fascist? Of course, not.

June 8, 2018
By Lorraine Chow

President Donald Trump (click here) headed for the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Canada on Friday but will be leaving before Saturday's meeting on climate changeclean energy and oceans. The White House said an aide will take Trump's place, CNN reported.

The announcement of his early departure comes amid a brewing war on tariffs. French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said at a joint press conference on Thursday they intended to challenge Trump's tariffs on steel and aluminum imports at the G7 summit, according to the Associated Press.

Trump will depart for Singapore on Saturday for his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

"I am heading for Canada and the G-7 for talks that will mostly center on the long time unfair trade practiced against the United States," the president tweeted today. "From there I go to Singapore and talks with North Korea on Denuclearization. Won't be talking about the Russian Witch Hunt Hoax for a while!"...

Trump may or may not realize he is a fascist. He really isn't that connected with the reality of life. He thinks he is involved in politics that work for him. He is serious about opening the world for Russia. He doesn't want anyone to validate that fact he not only had sex with prostitutes in Moscow, he laundered money with Russia.

I am sincerely concerned for the border crossers coming to the USA for it's harvest season. They are being caught up in a trap that will divide their families, imprison them, perhaps work in fields for prison wages if they are lucky, but, more likely end up a detainee indefinitely or worse. 

No one wants to say it, but, this is how WWII's Germany began with taking wealth from the Jews, putting them in a ghetto, removing their children and placing them on trains of cattle cars, then the concentration camps and ultimately ethnic cleansing, with a few other ethnicities thrown in. 

Genocide never starts with the intent to carry it out. It often begins with a runaway train. That is exactly what Trump and Sessions has created at the border, a runaway train headed for federal prisons.

Oh, don't take my word for it, ask Samatha Powers. 

The only reason the USA is not pursuing an aggressive climate policy with international allies, is because the White Supremacists wouldn't have funding from the Kochs and others dependant on their incomes from the petroleum industry. OPEC should be cautious who they call friends.

Fascist politics (click here) is running rampant in America, and spreading around the world. A Yale philosopher identifies its ten pillars and charts its horrifying rise and deep history.

Fascist politics seeks to divide a population along ethnic, racial, or religious lines. Jason Stanley understood this as a scholar of philosophy and propaganda and as the child of refugees of WWII Europe, but even he was surprised by its prevalence in the United States. First with the rise of the birther movement and later the ascent of Donald Trump, he observed that not only is the rise of fascist politics possible in America, but its roots have been here for more than a century. Drawing on history, philosophy, sociology, critical race theory, and examples from around the world from 19th-century America to 20th-century Germany (where Hitler was inspired by the Confederacy and Jim Crow South) to 21st-century India–Stanley identifies the ten pillars of fascist politics that leaders use to hold onto power by dividing populations into an us and a them: the mythic past, propaganda, anti-intellectualism, unreality, hierarchy, victimhood, law and order, sexual anxiety, appeals to the heartland, and a dismantling of public welfare and unity. He uncovers urgent patterns that are widespread today and pins down a creeping sense that fascist tendencies are on the rise. By recognizing them, he argues, readers might begin to resist their most harmful effects.