Tuesday, May 01, 2018

North and South Korea are very serious about their future on the Korean Peninsula. In another gesture of peace, South Korea shut down loudspeakers that were used to broadcast radio message of freedom and democracy; similar in content to "Radio Free Europe." North Korea aligned itself in the same time zone as the South.

All the naysayers are "W"rong. Very wrong. South Korea does not have nuclear weapons and the North no longer wants to be different than it's other half.

Kim Jong Un wants this and with the election of Moon there was no doubt he had a partner. When North and South Korea unify and the people of the South move North and the people of the North moves South there will no longer be a distinctive target for The West. The plan is brilliant.

I also understand the closing of the nuclear research tunnels by North Korea will be televised. I think Un is brilliant and does not let propaganda creep in at every turn.