Monday, May 07, 2018

May 1, 2018
By Ians

The Grouvellinus leonardodicaprioi beetle (click here) was discovered at the bottom of a waterfall in Maliau Basin, a remote nature reserve in Borneo. It was found by Taxon Expeditions, a firm set up to help untrained volunteers discover new species and the expedition was funded by the Inception star’s foundation.

After finding three new species of water beetle, the participants voted to name one of them after DiCaprio. Iva Njunjic, founder of Taxon Expeditions, said: “Tiny and black, this new beetle may not win an Oscar for charisma but in biodiversity conservation, every creature counts.”

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation aims to reduce the impact of humans on the environment and protect the world’s last wild places. It has awarded over $100 million in grants since 2010....

I am quite sure many consider a beetle to be beneath their dignity to carry their name, however, this is forever. Forever Leonardo DiCaprio will be known for his commitment to the climate and the people he sought out to make a difference. It is a great honor to be considered "one among the scientific community." This welcomes Leonardo as a peer to the scientific community.