Tuesday, May 08, 2018

It is bad when women don't have a clear path to justice.

May 20, 2018
By Jane Mayer and Ronan Farrow

...Now Schneiderman (click here) is facing a reckoning of his own. As his prominence as a voice against sexual misconduct has risen, so, too, has the distress of four women with whom he has had romantic relationships or encounters. They accuse Schneiderman of having subjected them to nonconsensual physical violence. All have been reluctant to speak out, fearing reprisal. But two of the women, Michelle Manning Barish and Tanya Selvaratnam, have talked to The New Yorker on the record, because they feel that doing so could protect other women. They allege that he repeatedly hit them, often after drinking, frequently in bed and never with their consent. Manning Barish and Selvaratnam categorize the abuse he inflicted on them as “assault.” They did not report their allegations to the police at the time, but both say that they eventually sought medical attention after having been slapped hard across the ear and face, and also choked. Selvaratnam says that Schneiderman warned her he could have her followed and her phones tapped, and both say that he threatened to kill them if they broke up with him. (Schneiderman’s spokesperson said that he “never made any of these threats.”)...

How corrupt is this issue? It was nearly impossible to get a conviction against Bill Cosby and now there is an Israeli firm called Black Cube taking out contracts on the reputation of people that simply ask for justice? Like, what?

I thought Russia was an issue. It is far larger than that. Now, there are international elements targeting political leaders and Hollywood stars. Wow. I had no idea oppression and victimization of women was so extensive. There needs to be a Congressional investigation into "Black Cube."

May 6, 2018
By Ronan Farrow

The private-intelligence firm Black Cube compiled profiles on Colin Kahl (pictured) and Ben Rhodes, Obama Administration advisers who were proponents of the Iran nuclear deal.

...The e-mail appears (click here) to be part of an undercover campaign by an Israeli private-intelligence firm to discredit Obama officials who had been leading proponents of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. The campaign was first reported, on Saturday, by the British newspaper the Observer. However, sources familiar with the effort and pages of documents obtained by The New Yorker reveal that there is more to understand. Two of those sources told me on Sunday that the operation was carried out by Black Cube—a firm that was also employed by Harvey Weinstein and that offers its clients access to operatives from “Israel’s élite military and governmental intelligence units,” including the Mossad....

I am not sure what came first, Russia's election interference or Israel's?

This is coercion of the United States of America. Black Cube (click here) has offices in London and Tel Aviv. It calls it's so called product "Creative Intelligence," basically lying.

Black Cube likes to create believable lies and/or entrap people in compromising positions to cause a change in direction of their client's problem. But, Israel's elite? Really? 

November 7, 2018

..."More than a year ago, (click here) Mr. [Ehud] Barak was asked by Harvey Weinstein whether he is familiar with an Israeli security company, which is capable of helping him with some business issues he is facing," a spokesman for Ehud Barak told the Post. "Barak confirmed that the company that Weinstein has mentioned was probably Black Cube, and that it is indeed working from Israel.

"Barak does not know the company or its managers personally, but he did provide Weinstein with its contact information. Until this morning, Barak was not aware that the company was hired by Weinstein, neither did he know any of the purposes or activities it was hired for," the spokesman continued....

The Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak is a very good man. He actually favors the Iran Deal and is mostly a man of peace. I am more than surprised to realize the extent Black Cube was known as a 'go to' company when dirty work needs to be done. Ehud Barak has served Isreal well for many years, but, was not in the government during this time.

Where does this end? Does it end? 

Black Cube was founded by a former Mossad agent in 2010. President Obama won his elections in 2008. The so called purpose of Black Cube is to provide litigation support. I would think with the reputation of it's founder that litigation support would be based in truthful evidence that would be an added aspect to clarify liability and such, but, coercion? Really? How much of American and Israeli politics is tainted by the lies of these idiots that have no appreciation for the integrity of the truth or democracy?

This is outrageous. Women are not safe from former Mossad agents? This is hideous and ridiculous and the tail wagging the dog. That is enough. London needs to investigate the existence of this company as well. What is it's real purpose and it doesn't seem to be peace! When it entered the world of coercion of American staff members of President Obama it no longer was simply the dark side of a movie company, it entered into the power of manipulating the USA policies that direct it's military.