Tuesday, May 08, 2018

"Good Night, Moon"

Last quarter moon

22.2 days old

49.5% lit

From the "Robert Furguson Observatory" (click here)

Moon - The moon is near Saturn around 4:30 am on 5/4. The moon is near Mars around 2 am on 5/6. Last Quarter is on the evening of 5/7. New Moon is on the morning of 5/15. A thin 4.0% crescent moon is in the west after sunset on 5/16. The crescent moon is near Venus around 9 pm on 5/17. The moon will occult the star 20 Cancri on the night of 5/19 (see below). The first quarter moon is very near the bright blue star Regulus in Leo around 9 pm on 5/21 (use binoculars to appreciate the color). The moon will occult the star 7 Virginis on the evening of 5/23 (see below). The moon is near Jupiter around midnight on the night of 5/26. The "Flower" full moon is on the morning of 5/29. The moon is very near Saturn around midnight on evening of 5/31. [Note: Early in the month there are two bright star reappearance occultations. These are more challenging to observe....