Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Here we go, onto the WTO. Trump will probably demand changes at the World Trade Organization if he hasn't already.

April 4, 2018
Edited by Zhou Xin

Beijing, April 4 (Xinhua) -- The "Made in China 2025" (click here) strategy should not be used as an excuse for unilateral measures as it does not go against China's obligations to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen said Wednesday

"The strategy is transparent, open, and non-discriminatory. Not only Chinese companies but also foreign firms can participate in it," Wang said at a press conference.

The "Made in China 2025" strategy, a plan to upgrade the manufacturing sector, was reportedly a source of concern in the U.S. Section 301 investigation into alleged Chinese intellectual property and technology transfer practices, launched by the Trump administration in August 2017.

Wang said China completed rigorous compliance reviews on the strategy when it was rolled out, and it was made in line with WTO rules.

The targets set in the strategy are of predictive and instructive nature, and are not mandatory tasks, Wang said.

Similar plans had been rolled out previously by many countries including the United States, Wang said....