Saturday, December 16, 2017


Sorry I am a little late (8:40 pm). I was talking to some Russian truck drivers. It would seem President Putin needs to conduct some infrastructure projects. That is why Russia is an economically emerging country. Or, was an economically emerging country. It is why invading Ukraine is viewed as a gross misjudgement due to ineffective politics.

President Putin is convinced men such as Donald Trump can correct the course of Russia. It is why a Russian President would be so desperate in attempting to sabotage an American election for President.

There is always this lack of motive when the Mueller investigation is discussed. The reason Russia would want to sabotage an election rather than a confrontation. Well, here it is.

In my estimation, one of the reasons President Putin withdrew from Syria is because it cannot fight two wars at once.

Russia needs to return to a better state of mind that will provide growth and economic strength so there can be infrastructure projects and the lives of Russians aren't in peril, in order to cross a very cold river.

These guys were so awesome, I just had to connect.